Design solution
Disputs – Denmark’s digital settlement and arbitrary
Winner of
Nominated In
Production Year
Mette Højberg, Niels Buus & Ursula Rosenkrantz

Disputs is a digital platform for legal settlement and arbitration. The platform offers a service of processing civil lawsuits helping businesses and individuals get legal services cheaper and faster. Typically, civil lawsuits in Denmark are processed in about 14.5 months, but allows legal disputes to be resolved in less than 5 months and at a lower cost.

The jury says
Disputs is a well-designed online solution responding to the fundamental problem that we face social inequality in our legal system. It offers a well-designed digital solution that makes lawsuits more accessible, affordable, transparent, and efficient. In a society that aims at social equality and fairness, this solution fulfills a pressing need by contributing to a more just future design.

See the jury members