
What can receive the Danish Design Award?

The Danish Design Award awards a broad spectrum of design solutions and/or products within many design competencies.

What can be submitted?

Who can take part?

Anyone can enter. This means that all private and public organizations and designers with a connection to Denmark can submit entries for the Danish Design Award. This includes Danish companies that have worked with a designer from outside Denmark and designers in Denmark who have worked with a company abroad.

The Jury

All information will be treated as confidential by the jury. If an entry poses a conflict of interest for a jury member, the member is excluded from all deliberations in the given category.

How will the design solutions be judged?

The jury assesses the submitted design products and solutions on the Danish Design Award’s five values:

The jury tasks fall into four stages:

1. Initial jury process: September 2 – 14, 2024. Online rating procedure of the submitted design solutions. An online vote will determine how sufficiently the design solutions meet the five values.

2. First jury meeting: September 14, 2024. The meeting will be conducted online and/or on-site. The purpose is to create a shortlist of the finalists.

Before the meeting, each jury member will be appointed 1-2 cases, which they are responsible for presenting to the rest of the jury. The jury member presents the case based on additional material submitted by the shortlisted nominees.

The design solutions are presented and discussed, resulting in the final shortlist. Hereafter, we have the finalists for the Danish Design Award. 

3. Second jury meeting: October 2, 2024. The meeting will be conducted online and/or on-site. The purpose is to select the winners.

Each jury member presents the qualities of 1-2 finalists assigned to them. The winners are decided by a final vote. The result is kept secret until the award ceremony.

4. Award show: November 19, 2024. This is an on-site event, and the purpose is to unveil the award winners.

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