Banny Banerjee

Banny Banerjee

Founder, Global ChangeLabs

An architect, product designer, and engineer by training, Banny has been working for the past two decades in advancing design approaches and developing innovation methodology for systems challenges marked by scale, complexity, uncertainty, and deeply entrenched systemic risks, along with helping leaders shape integrated system strategies. He works with the private sector, public sector, as well as international institutions such as the UN, The World Economic Forum, and The Nature Conservancy to bring systems approaches to scaled sustainability challenges.

After working as a designer at IDEO, Banny served as Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Stanford Design Program. Subsequently, he founded and ran Stanford ChangeLabs, where the Systems Acupuncture methodology emerged along with the rubric for Systems Leadership. He is now focused on designing platforms and system transformation strategies for scaled impact on planetary issues such as biodiversity, oceans, climate, energy, development paradigms, land use, food, water, and UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

He is a frequent keynote speaker and advisor to large-scale impact initiatives and businesses seeking strategic clarity vis-a-vis sustainability. Banny is appointed as Adjunct Professor with the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, where he helped start a Master’s program on Sustainability. At Stanford, he teaches Design, Large-Scale Systems Innovation, System Acupuncture, Platform Design, and Systems Leadership.

His career has included architecture, structural engineering, software development, energy, furniture design, technology art, product design, integrated innovation for developing country issues, technology futures, teaching, entrepreneurship, design theory, complex global challenges, and development of advanced innovation methodology.