Anne-Louise Sommer


Anne-Louise Sommer has been the director of Designmuseum Danmark since 2011. During that period, the museum has increased visitor numbers fivefold and has become an internationally recognised and award-winning museum based on the strategy “Design must be shared”.

Since 2012 Anne-Louise has been adjunct professor in Design Culture and Design History at the University of Southern Denmark.

Prior to the  Designmuseum Danmark, Anne-Louise had a long career at several of the Universities of Denmark, as researcher and teacher – most recently at the Danish Design School from 2004-2011 (now the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation) where she held various roles such as research director and principal.

Anne-Louise is active in various boards in Denmark and the Nordic countries, is a member of the Danish Design Council and participates in Danish, Nordic and international judging committees within the design field.