Kemikalier bør ikke være på mode (Chemicals should not be in vogue)

Award Category
Message Understood
Award Year
Production Year
Design Company
MediaCom Beyond Advertising
Klara Graah, Anna Degnbol, Chris Bjerremose, Peter Michael Willer & Toke Krebs

A Public Service Announcement dressed as a t-shirt collection. The unique prints on the 190 second-hand t-shirts double as frames of a stop-motion film, revealing an animated story and message. The t-shirts have been collected from second-hand shops, each one being screen printed with a unique illustration using eco-friendly ink.

The jury says

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency (Miljøstyrelsen) wanted to raise awareness of chemicals in fashion among the 16-22 year-olds. Remember that it takes 3 kg of chemicals to produce 1 kg of cotton t-shirts. They came up with the clever idea of launching a unique t-shirt collection, teaming up with two notable illustrators for the design of the t-shirt and successful influences to spread the message. An accompanying film demonstrates the process of hand-crafting the t-shirts. Brilliant idea to use an art project to reach the young generation with an important message in a way that is easy to understand.