Cycling Without Age
Award Category
Healthy Life
Award Year
Production Year
Cycling Without Age
Design Company
Cycling Without Age
Ole Kassow Dorthe Pedersen

CWAs purpose is to counter loneliness and isolation by reconnecting senior citizens with their communities and nature. This is done through special designed bikes, an IT platform, and a global volunteer community.

The jury says

We all have thoughts about what our old age is going to be like, and many of these thoughts concern the potential impact of disease and functional impairment on our quality of life. The social design project Cycling Without Age addresses these concerns with infectious engagement and optimism while generating a very Danish community solution based on grassroots organisation and volunteers. The project has a wide range of positive health effects, but the principal focus is on joy of life. The project holds relevance for all of us – who wouldn’t enjoy a cycling excursion in their senior years?